School Climate Policies
To foster a safe, welcoming environment Sunnyside has the following three big rules: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
Restorative PracticesHappy children who are at ease learn best. As an institution of learning, we appreciate the essential connection between children’s sense of well being with their attitudes & efforts. This is part of why we value a well‐rounded education here at Sunnyside and it is why we did a great deal of work last year around school climate. This work manifested in the drafting of our School Climate and Discipline Policy (see below) as well as our continuing partnership with the SFUSD Restorative Practices Office to develop our students’ sense of community and focus their energies on repairing harm when it is done. Early this year, we will be holding an information and Q&A session in collaboration with the Parent Advisory Council for parents/guardians regarding school climate and Restorative Practices; keep an eye out for the date in future communications. You can learn more about Restorative Practices in our draft School Climate & Discipline Policy and the SFUSD website at: http://www.healthiersf.org/RestorativePractices/ .
We will also be continuing and deepening our collaboration with KidPower to further bolster our efforts. Restorative Practices in Action KQED aired a radio spot on Restorative Practices on the September 10th, 2012 episode of "Perspectives." Visit their website to read the transcript, or listen to the audio clip of the show below. Non-Discrimination PolicySan Francisco Unified School District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from discrimination based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression; or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
Balanced Scorecard - Site Plan
The school site plan in San Francisco is called the BSC or Balanced Scorecard. Our school site council held a community meeting to gather input on the three goals of the BSC; I also used it as an opportunity to share information on the current budget. Below are the three goals of the BSC.
Discipline Policy |